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About Me

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My Philosophy

Healthy, healthy food can be both delicious and beautiful. The most important thing is that it is prepared with love, that you put your imagination into it. Food is an explosion of emotions from preparation to serving ... Real food is happiness!

"If you want to live happily, find a mission in life ..." , follow it and give others happiness, kindness and love.

Love yourself!  Do what your heart tells you and don't forget to dream, because dreams come true ... I make mine come true one by one and every next one is bigger and braver!

Hello, dear friends and followers!

My family and friends call me Tanya.

I have 2 wonderful guys who love my experiments in the kitchen;)

I didn't have the courage or rather the idea to have a blog, my page in which to share all these experiments had not completely captivated me until TODAY ... the day of the new beginning :)


April 7, 2020, my birthday 🎂 and my dear sister's birthday! And now it's a triple birthday :)

Why did I decide to create this page?

As I mentioned, I love to cook, especially making cakes, pies and all sorts of sweet temptations ... it used to be that way, but what has changed to get here?

In short : almost 3 years ago, my family and I took a new path in the world of nutrition. A path of change inside and out. We started eating more vegan and gluten-free (except einkorn and spelled), stopped completely dairy products, eggs and meat (at least I, men eat, but very rarely)

I "fell and got up" a lot until I found out which flour behaved, how to replace eggs, fresh and yogurt, cheese and everything we used to eat.

And so at least 2 years passed in attempts ... when they turned out well I shared photos in my personal FB profile and the reviews were always very positive and motivating.

Someone (he knows who;)) somewhere in the comments below the posts told me that it's time to make a page and a veil :)

What else can you find here?

Besides TASTY TEMPTATIONS , I will also share useful information about the food and products in the BLOG  INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NUTRITION "

And since I am not a person who deals with only one thing, I like to create and learn new things, I have given a special place in the BLOG for "HIDDEN TALENTS" ... what they are you will learn very soon ... COMING SOON !

Let's not forget "READ AND LEARN" , because knowledge is the way to success. Here you will be able to pick up e-books that I will create especially for you ... The first one is in progress and you will be able to touch it very SOON!

I want to share my experience and knowledge with you! To be useful and if I manage to motivate at least one person to take his own path to health, I will be very happy!

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